The Solar Together Kent scheme is now live
Solar Together is a collective buying scheme to help households get a reduced-price installation of solar panels and batteries. It relies on large numbers of households signing up to negotiate a better deal for everyone taking part.
The scheme is open to homeowners, small businesses, landlords and community buildings provided the installation is less than 50 panels.
The previous round of Solar Together Kent was supported by 9 districts and Medway Council and is expected to complete in spring 2022. So far there have been over 230 installations of solar panels and storage batteries, which will save over 170 tonnes of CO2 per annum.
This phase of the scheme is supported by all 12 districts and Medway Council and is open for registration between 7th February and 15th March. There will be regular posts on KCC and Kent Green Action social media accounts (Facebook or Twitter) that you can also share.
More information about the scheme is available on our website Solar Together Kent – Kent County Council
People can register for free with no obligation here Solar Together | Kent County Council
Press release Group efforts make solar panels cheaper for Kent homes and businesses – KCC Media Hub