Log Heat
The Project
Log Heat is a sole trader that operates as a supplier of quality seasoned and kiln-dried firewood logs. They applied for £20,000 funding to LC+ in May 2014 to enable them to purchase new equipment so that they could upscale their operation in order to become more mechanized and to operate throughout the year. All of their wood is sourced from local sustainable woodlands and the lengthy and labour-intensive processing of the wood is undertaken on site by the SME using antiquated saws, benches and splitters.
Green Actions
- Purchase of a rotating drum saw enabled wood to be cut into logs on a much faster basis increasing production from 5-7 boxes per day to 25-30 boxes per day.
- New equipment taken directly into the woodland and used to cut smaller wood that was otherwise not cost effective to load onto a timber trailer and haul back to the farm for processing.
- Widened their customer base by enabling them to offer different types of wood fuel for modern wood burning stoves.
- Increased storage capacity of wood on site throughout the year, saving on additional storage costs.
Technology Involved
- New equipment replacing older less efficient equipment and methods.
- Mechanizing their entire operation to enable them to meet the growing demand for wood fuel in Kent.
“The grant from LC+ couldn’t have come at a better time for our business.
The process was very straightforward and we will certainly be recommending the grant to our contacts within this sector. Thank you so much”
Steve Knaggs, Owner, Log Heat
- Created 2 full time jobs within the company.
- Safeguarded two existing jobs within the company.
- Ensured a 200% increase on GVA which will enable the business to grow more quickly, with more resilience than otherwise would have been expected.