News - November 2021

LoCASE programme attends the annual KES Conference

Kent REVs EV and LoCASE stall

The LoCASE team at Kent County Council attended the annual Kent Environment Strategy Conference today in support of the Sustainable Business & Communities team at Kent County Council. 

This event reflected the buzz of the upcoming COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference taking place in Glasgow, with stalls from LoCASE, Kent REVS, Keep Kent Clean, Kent Connected and more. This was a prime time to promote how organisations are working collaboratively across Kent to support a green recovery from the pandemic, while working towards net zero targets and supporting a healthy local economy.  Attendees included council members, officers, company directors and business owners, making it a great opportunity to promote the LoCASE programme. 

We will also be attending the Business South Annual Conference this Thursday in Southampton and look forward to meeting more new faces there.


If you would like to register your interest in a LoCASE grant, please complete and submit the Eligibility Questionnaire. Non financial guidance is also available to help SME owners understand the options available to them, and the best place to start. Don’t just take our word for it- take a look at what other businesses have to say about their experience with the programme on our Case Studies page.